Preparing for Launch

I love setting new intentions at the first of every month. Today I set the intention of keeping my sanity over the next few weeks!

On January 1st, I started a 90 Experiment with the intention of expanding my coaching practice (which I started the next day). I had no clue as to how I was going to do it. Literally. But I started doing what I’ve been teaching. I started visualizing how many clients I wanted on a weekly basis, what I was going to charge, the income I wanted, etc. for forty days.

Things were rough as they are when starting any new business. My clairvoyant clients stopped seeing me, which meant that my income … well, you can imagine what happened to my income. But I kept plugging on, visualizing, asking afformations, etc. Honestly, it was a scary time. Soon though, I started picking up coaching clients. I taught them what I’ve been writing about on this site (personalized to their situation) and they saw results, and quickly.

Still, I felt as though I wasn’t on the “right track.” I couldn’t shake the feeling I wasn’t doing something right. A series of synchronicities led to me being asked to review a book by Brendon Burchard. Once I read it, I knew where I was off track. I as doing everything bass ackwards when it came to building my practice.

I took action on what I read, and I’m excited to announce that Steve Massing will be helping me build my new website! Steve has forgotten more than I’ll ever know about this sort of thing. Of course, that’s only the beginning!

On February 1st, I started a new 90 Day Experiment with the intention of writing an ebook. Well, now it looks as though I’ll be writing two. One of the things I learned from Bruchard is that I even made that harder than it needed to be. And I have to do all that while writing more content for the book I wrote which Fourth Dimension Press has bought for publication!

I can’t tell you how excited I am looking forward to the big changes I’m anticipating. The moral of my story is that I’m no different than you. I wanted to make a change in my life, and I didn’t know the how but I did know the why. It may be a cliche, but if I can do it, you can too!

For more information about Steve Massing, or to contact him to inquire about creating a website for you, please go to

An Update On a 90 Day Experiment I Started in January.

On January 1st, of this year, I started a 90 Day Experiment around building my coaching business. I did everything I’ve been writing about in this blog. When I came back from California this Sunday, and I walked into my home, there was a package on the dining table. I asked Cheryl what it was and she told me that she didn’t know, because it was for me.

I opened it and it was a book that was sent to me to review by Brendon Burchard. Burchard is the founder of, “The Expert’s Academy,” which primarily services authors, coaches, seminar and workshop leaders and the like. The book is entitled, “The Millionaire Messenger.”

I have to tell you, this book is blowing my mind! I’ve bought a lot of books along these lines, but this is by far, the best I’ve read! The book is priced at $21.95, but in my opinion, it’s worth twice that. (Full disclosure – I did not pay for this book, and I’m not receiving any compensation for talking about it. It’s just that good!) I’ve already started taking steps in the plan he’s outlined in the book, and I’m really excited about what’s ahead!

Which brings me back to my 90 Day Experiment. I’m convinced that the reason I am in possession of this book is due to my intention for the experiment. This book is exactly what I needed at this time for my business. There will soon be a lot of changes in the way I do things with regards to my practice.

My point is, what I’m teaching you works, if you do the work.

Oh, and from the bottom of my heart, I want to say, “Thank you, Brendon.”